To Live

To live within dangerous reach
of the sea
set down
the life I know
let go my grip
and press my cheek
to the sand—
sea wind
and wave crash
reach me less
here where the sound
flies high overhead—
a shallow calligraphy
sky writ,
a pair
of pelicans.

Minimum Visible

Some months since
my sight goes dim
come evening—
no parsing print
Small surprise then
down the lane at dusk
I cross abrupt
a butterfly,
unexpected velvet dark
in angles
toward my face,
in my hair
a moment more
then disappeared
and I’m new
a common microbat

Near Space

Cold enough
as usual our breath
in clouds expires

in changing formation
(interpretive dance)
at last
the masses dissipate.

Spirits move
as spirits will

a thousand birds
warble and trill/
trill and warble
no less real
than the more material.

(In fourth grade
reading aloud
an acoustic ceiling tile
crashes down
on my head—
when the glue loosens
the sky in … Continue Reading ››

A Salt Marsh Spare on Trees

Where the airbase
overlaps the bay
on a sand path
I sometimes sit and paint

and the manned machines far off
cut new rights of way
through the cow parsnips in clouds
and the salt grass
sways in time
with distant capillary waves,
few and faint.

I remember the line about
nothing better suited to wind
than pines

but what’s ancient Greek
for an onshore breeze
that whispers in the sedges?

The … Continue Reading ››