In your lonesome
coastal canyon
you send rhizomes
through the sand. Queen
of California flowers—overexposed
in my open hand.
Why you stabilize
this hillside
I will never understand—
I would let it slide
but I am not so married
to the land.
You hold the air!
You burn my eyes!
Your crinkled neon white
and ruff of yolk-gold
enough to please
our native bees—
I would not love this place
if you could leave.
One response
• Mikaela, February 6, 2013 at 9:23 am
Joa, a beautiful poem about one of my favorite plants. I just cut it back today for the fall. Love seeing those “crinkled neon white” blooms!
Thanks Cathy! I’m crazy about matilija poppies too—especially along the side of the freeway. Glad to know you can enjoy them in your yard!